Thank you for your points. I am in no way saying that we should not strive for cleaner forms of energy. To the contrary, I am saying that this should be done with transparency and be proportionate to the size of the country and the uniqueness of the destination.
As for foreigners not coming to Greece because of the massive wind farms, it is too early to say. The results and impact of the industrial sized power plants will be evident in the years to come… and then it will be too late.
The point of the story is to raise awareness on the best, most effective and inclusive process of transitioning to clean energy without damaging the country’s key revenue-generating product, which is its tourism and which is. directly linked to local customs, traditions and heritage.
Lastly, in countries where wind farms have been erected before Greece, there is now a turn against them due to their impact on tourism. Several studies indicate that when asked tourists said they would prefer to holiday away from such areas.